Needles: 5,5 mm/ US 9
Scrap yarn or safety pin
Cast on 28 sts and knit 2x2 rib for 15 rounds.
Knit one row and at the same time increase 4 sts. You now have 32 sts.
Knit next round like this:
Needle 1: K1, p1, k1, p1, k8, p1, k1, p1, k1.
Needle 2: K8
Needle 3: K8
This makes it easier to follow the pattern.
Next row:
P1, k1, p1, k1, k8, k1, p1, k1, p1, k16
The pattern is as follows: Seedstitch over 4 sts, cable over 8 sts, seedstitch over 4 sts, just like on the hat.
When you’ve knitted 4 rounds of the pattern it’s time to do the cabling:
Seedstitch over the 4 first sts, put 4 sts on a cableneedle and hold to the front, knit 4 sts and then the stitches from the cableneedle, and end with 4 sts of seedstitch.
Onwards you now knit 8 rounds of pattern between every cableround.
Remember the thumb!!!
When you have 13 rows of stockinette stitch from the rib inside the hand, you do like this:
Right hand: K2, slip 6 sts on scrap yarn or safety pin, cast on 6 sts and keep knitting.
Left hand: K8, slip 6 sts on scrap yarn or safety pin, cast on 6 sts and keep knitting.
When you’ve done 5 cablerounds, or as long as you like your mitten, you decrease like this:
Needle 1: K1, k2tog, knit to last 3 sts, ssk, k1.
Needle 2: K1, k2tog, knit to end
Needle 3: Knit to last 3 sts, ssk, k1.
Keep doing this until you have 8 sts left. Fasten off.
Pick up the sts from the scrap yarn or safety pin, pick up 1 stitch in each side and 6 sts at the back of the thumb – 14 sts in total.
Knit until the thumb is long enough, I knitted 13 rounds.
Then k2tog 7 times. Pull yarn through and fasten off.
Voila, you have one mitten and it’s time to make one more!!!
These patterns are my design and is for non-commercial use only. However, you are free to make as many of them as you like for personal use.
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